I recently had the privilege to go metal detecting on a farm that dates back to the late 1800's. On this adventure, I searched around the yard of the farm house and managed to dig up some incredible coins. One of them was an 1871 German States Prussia Thaler Coin, which I gave to the family of the farm. I also found several Kennedy Half dollars, a heart shaped locket, 1950's silver dime and lots of other interesting artifacts. Thank You for watching and God bless!
Looking to start metal detecting soon? Visit our site at , where you will find a great selection of Garrett metal detectors and gear that Nugget Noggin uses on a regular basis. We would really appreciate the support. If you have any questions, feel free to send Nugget Noggin a email at nuggetnoggin@yahoo.com . Thank You.
AT Pro metal detector: Bless!