Metal detecting the same hill site I've been on for a while, and I came across this neat carved lead, maybe a bullet, made into a cross. It appears to have the letter "I" scratched/carved into it. I had asked in my head, after not finding much for quite a while that day "Please let me find just one good thing" and God answered with a really neat find, and a great reminder.
Whats up ladyboys hope your week is going good send me your fails and dope wheelies!! JOEYMACFANMAIL@YAHOO.COM
P.O BOX 459 nuevo, CA 92567 USA
IG: @therealjoeymac
SNAPCHAT: joeymac_420
TWITTER: JoeyMac420
Holliday fun while Metal Detecting the East coast of Canada.
Don and Judy's continuing adventures on the east coast of Canada.
We visit the home of the Bluenose.
As the title implies this will be a two part video due to the sure number of awesome finds that we had at the second house that we were detecting on. It’s not very often that you find a property like this one. We were asked to try and find a lost ring that was lost many years ago and we searched the property thoroughly and found lots of other finds but no ring. Everything from clad coins, wheat pennies, buffalo nickels and of course silver coins. Enjoy the video, we enjoyed making it.
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I Found LOST TREASURE In an Old Railroading Town! Metal Detecting Old and Silver Coins!
Here is episode 5 of my finds at this courthouse as well as some of Kyle's recent finds. Enjoy!
Metal Monday! Nice Day For Some Creek Metal Detecting
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Doug & Ashley
PO Box 1073
Kokomo, IN 46903
We are Doug and Ashley! We do everything ourselves and always seem to be working on something new. We are currently getting our house ready to sell because our goal is to move to a larger property in the country! Feel free to follow us to watch our journey! We also occasionally upload metal detecting videos. Our channel is family-friendly.
Ray's Beautiful Seated Dime (and some bullets) - Missouri Metal Detecting
A day detecting with Ray, we find lots of Civil War bullets and Ray finds a MINT CONDITION (may still have mint luster) Seated Dime!
Metal detecting "Il sentiero dei pellegrini"
La via Francigena non terminava a Roma, ma proseguiva fino ai porti della Puglia dove i pellegrini si imbarcavano alla volta di Gerusalemme. Ci siamo recati su un breve tratto alla ricerca di testimonianze che attestino e confermino il cammino dei fedeli.
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